Hadis Wakaf Infrastruktur Berkaitan Masjid Dalam Al-Kutub Al-Sittah: Satu Analisis (Prophetic Traditions on Waqf of Mosque Infrastructure in Al-Kutub Al-Sittah: An Analysis)


  • Mohd Ashrof Zaki Yaakob Akademi Pengajian Islam Kontemporari, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam
  • Ishak Suliaman Akademi Pengajian Islam Kontemporari, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam
  • Azri Bhari Akademi Pengajian Islam Kontemporari, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam
  • Mohammad Mahyuddin Khalid Akademi Pengajian Islam Kontemporari, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam
  • Mohd Afandi Mat Rani Akademi Pengajian Islam Kontemporari, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam
  • Mohd Faiz Mohamed Yusof Akademi Pengajian Islam Kontemporari, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam




Hadith, Waqf, Infrastructure, Mosque.


Provision of waqf is thabit through nas from the Quran and also the traditions of the Prophet or known as al-Hadith. Although generally speaking, the fiqh discussion of waqf is only focused on two major hadiths; the hadith related to Sayidina 'Umar in Khaybar and also the date farm of the Bayruha' property of Abu Talhah. However, if it is examined more closely, there are many more hadiths discussing waqf in various aspects in al-Kutub al-Sittah. The analysis found that there were 36 texts of hadiths related to waqf in al-Kutub al-Sittah and there was a text of hadith describing on specific waqf mosque in particular. The sources of the hadiths related to the wakaf of the mosque are from Sahih al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim, and cross references are found that the hadiths are also found in al-Kutub al-Sittah other than Sahih al- Bukhari and Sahih Muslim. The debate in this article will touch on the analysis of the source and history of the hadiths related to the wakaf of the mosque and also the perspective of the discussion based on the critics performed by the scholars in the book of Syarh al-Hadis.


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How to Cite

Yaakob, M. A. Z., Suliaman, I., Bhari, A., Khalid, M. M., Mat Rani, M. A., & Mohamed Yusof, M. F. (2019). Hadis Wakaf Infrastruktur Berkaitan Masjid Dalam Al-Kutub Al-Sittah: Satu Analisis (Prophetic Traditions on Waqf of Mosque Infrastructure in Al-Kutub Al-Sittah: An Analysis). UMRAN - Journal of Islamic and Civilizational Studies, 6(2-2). https://doi.org/10.11113/umran2019.6n2-2.386