About the Journal
Focus and Scope
UMRAN serves as a platform for academics, practitioners, and researchers to publish research findings and disseminate knowledge related to Islamic and Civilizational Studies.
It accepts manuscripts and research papers about Islamic History, Islamic Culture and Civilization, Philosophy and Islamic Thought, Sufism and Theology, Islamic Politics and Political Economy, Islamic Economics and Finance, Islamic Management, Islamic Law and Jurisprudence, Islamic Arts, Fiqh Science and Technology as well as Islamic Education.
It also publishes multidisciplinary topics of concern; however, the focus and issues discussed must be related to Islam and Muslim society regardless of geographical differences.
Peer Review Process
A peer review practise ensures the quality of the published paper as it maintains the objectivity in scholarly publishing. All reputable scientific journals practice peer reviews. Hence, our referees play a vital role in maintaining the high standards of UMRAN.
Upon submission, the author must ensure the paper abide by a blind review guideline (click here).
Every manuscript submitted will be screened for the fulfilment of submission guideline and undergo content review to determine if it suits the scope of the Journal and fulfils the quality requirement. The manuscript will be returned to the writer/s if it requires further editing before it is sent for review.
UMRAN follows a double-blind peer-review process. Peer reviewers are experts chosen by journal editors to provide a written assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the written manuscript, to improve the manuscript and identify the most appropriate and highest quality material for the Journal.
In the peer-review process, the papers are sent out for double-blind independent reviews from experts in the field. Authors are encouraged to indicate the names of three potential reviewers during the submission, but the editors will make the final choice. The editors are not, however, bound by these suggestions. When the editorial board has successfully received feedback from reviewers, the corresponding author will be duly contacted.
Comments from external reviewers are sent to the authors, and they are notified of the Journal's decision (to accept, to accept with revisions or to reject).
This entire review process is estimated to take between 2-4 months. The Editor's decision is final.
The Editor reserves the right to modify the typescripts to eliminate ambiguity and repetitions and improve communication between the author and reader. If extensive changes are required, the manuscript will be returned to the author for revision.
Special issues and/or conference proceedings may have different peer review procedures involving, for example, Guest Editors, conference organisers or scientific committees. Authors contributing to these projects may receive full details of the peer review process on request from the editorial office.
Publication Frequency
UMRAN is published online with a frequency of three (3) issues per year (March, July, November).
Open Access Policy
This Journal provides immediate open access to its content and supports a greater global exchange of knowledge; hence, papers are to be made freely available to the public.
Abstracting/Indexing Services
This Journal is indexed by Following databases:
- UlrichsWeb
- Malaysian Citation Index (MyCITE) and Malaysian Abstracting and Indexing System (MyAIS)
- My Jurnal
Plagiarism Policy
The Journal Editorial board recognises that plagiarism is not acceptable. Therefore, it establishes the following policy stating specific actions (penalties) when plagiarism is identified in an article that is submitted for publication in UMRAN-International Journal of Islamic and Civilizational Studies.
Paper submitted to UMRAN will be screened using the Turnitin application to avoid plagiarism. This Journal shall not compromise any submitted manuscript detected with plagiarism.
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) is a leading innovation-driven entrepreneurial research university in engineering science and technology located both in Kuala Lumpur, the capital city of Malaysia and Johor Bahru, the southern city in Iskandar Malaysia, which is a vibrant economic corridor in the south of Peninsular Malaysia.
With a strength of more than 2,000 academic staff, of which more than 200 are foreign graduate faculty members, UTM continuously strives to develop and enhance quality academic and professional programmes of international standard and global recognition. The student population consists of more than 11,000 full-time undergraduate students, more than 6,000 enrolled on distance learning programmes as part-time students and more than 9,000 postgraduate students in various fields of specialisation. Out of this, more than 3,000 are foreign students.
UTMs mission is to lead in the development of creative and innovative human capital and advanced technologies that will contribute to the nation’s wealth creation. This is in line with the aspiration of the country towards becoming a knowledge-based, innovation-led economy grounded in creativity and innovation with high value creation. Through a strategic transformation of its organizational structure, UTM is focused in creating a vibrant academic culture and fertile intellectual ecosystem that inspire creativity and innovation.
Innovation is thus central to its core value, with the innovation culture permeated across all dimensions of the university including teaching and learning, research and development, writing and publication, management and administration, staff and student development, consultancy and professional services and also university social responsibility. Innovation is expedited by the university community through concerted effort and strong team spirit with shared mission and purpose.
UTM has also established a reputation for innovative education and leading-edge, proven by becoming the three-time winner for the National Intellectual Property Award for organization category. A stimulating research culture exists in UTM through 11 Research Alliances (RA) in strategic disciplines namely Sustainability, Infocomm, Water, Cybernetics, Biotech, Construction, Materials & Manufacturing, K-Economy, Energy, Transportation and Nanotechnology. In addition there are 28 Centres of Excellence (CoE) in addition to academic faculties to service technological education and research needs of the university.
UTM is also actively engaged in research collaboration with renowned institutions such as Harvard University, MIT, University of Oxford, Imperial College of London, University of Cambridge, Tokyo University and Meiji University on areas of mutual interests. To facilitate further engagement and networking in academic and research undertakings, international satellite offices have been established in Tokyo, and already in the pipeline are plans to establish satellite offices in Doha (Qatar), Madinah (Saudi Arabia), and in Boston (USA).
UTM is thus renowned for being at the forefront of engineering and technological knowledge and expertise, contributing to the technical and professional workforce of the nation since 1904. Being a graduate-focused university, UTM has the highest number of postgraduate enrolment in engineering and technology, which is one of the important components in contributing towards the development of an innovation-led economy. Having produced more than 200,000 technical graduates and qualified professionals over the years, UTM has earned its place as Malaysia’s premier university in engineering and technology which inspires creativity and innovation.