Persepsi dan Tahap Pengetahuan Peserta Dan Agen Takaful Terhadap Pelaksanaan Zakat Takaful: Kajian Di Shah Alam, Selangor (Perceptions and Knowledge Levels of Takaful Participants and Agencies towards Implementation of Takaful Zakat: A Study In Shah Alam, Selangor)


  • Nur Amirah Jaafar Fakulti Ekonomi & Pengurusan, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
  • Hairunnizam Wahid Fakulti Ekonomi & Pengurusan, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
  • Mohd Ali Mohd Noor Fakulti Ekonomi & Pengurusan, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia



Takaful participants and Agencies, Takaful participants, Zakat Takaful, Lembaga Zakat Selangor


When it comes to zakat obligations, people only know certain types of zakat that are obligated to be issued. There are two types of zakat; zakat fitrah and zakat property. However, zakat’s division may vary according to the state's fatwa. In Selangor, Lembaga Zakat Selangor (LZS) is the body that governs the administration and implementation of Zakat. The breakdown of zakat property is Zakat on Income, Zakat on Business, Zakat on Savings, Zakat on Gold and Silver, Zakat on Investments and Shares, Zakat on KWSP, Zakat on Paddy, Zakat on Agriculture, Zakat on Wealth and Treasure, and the Zakat on Takaful. However, this study will only focus on Zakat Takaful. Under Zakat Takaful, there are several divisions which are Zakat Wang Takaful/Takaful Investment, Zakat on Maturity Policy, Takaful Compensation, Tabarruq Fund, Benefit of Total and Permanent Disability, and Compensation of Conventional Insurance Policy. Each of these sections has its calculation method which will be explained further. This study was conducted to identify the level of knowledge and acceptance of Takaful Muslim consumers on the implementation of Zakat Takaful that has been introduced by LZS. Besides, this study will also look at the knowledge of Takaful agents and their willingness to disseminate information of Zakat Takaful to their customers. This study was conducted by using the sampling method and descriptive data analysis. The study found that on average, respondents' knowledge on Zakat Takaful is low with a mean of 2.32. However, the mean for acceptance is 3.93 which is set at a high level thus showed a good acceptance of the survey respondents. Through this study, it can be concluded that knowledge and acceptance are both very important in achieving the objective of implementing Zakat Takaful. Knowledge by Takaful participants who are also assisted by agents who play the role of conveying knowledge of Zakat Takaful is directly perceived to have a more effective effect in addition to the behavior/attitude that forms the intention of Takaful participnts to accept the implementation and to pay Zakah Takaful. This study is also expected to be the push factor among the zakat agents to play a role in disseminating the right information about Zakat Takaful to their customers, which also can be regarded as one of the da'wah forms.



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How to Cite

Jaafar, N. A., Wahid, H., & Mohd Noor, M. A. (2019). Persepsi dan Tahap Pengetahuan Peserta Dan Agen Takaful Terhadap Pelaksanaan Zakat Takaful: Kajian Di Shah Alam, Selangor (Perceptions and Knowledge Levels of Takaful Participants and Agencies towards Implementation of Takaful Zakat: A Study In Shah Alam, Selangor). UMRAN - Journal of Islamic and Civilizational Studies, 6(2-2).