Interreligious Dialogue: From Coexistence To Proexistence (Understanding The Views of Mukti Ali and Hans Kung)


  • Singgih Basuki Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia



Pluralistic, globalization, tolerance, cooperation program, Interreligius


The present and future worlds are pluralistic. Globalization has a direct effect on all aspects of human life, including religious patterns. The life of religious people in this global world should have a proper vision of their religion and other communities with a positive awareness of diversity. Each community should be aware of the existence of its own group and other groups with all the differences. Herein lies the importance of interreligious dialogue. Initially, the purpose of the interreligious dialogue is to foster pluralistic awareness of tolerance (co-existence) so that people can live together peacefully; however, the present and future dialogues must be actively involved in inter-religious cooperation programs (co-existence) to solve humanitarian problems. Among the initiators of the interfaith dialogue in the context of global life are Mukti Ali and Hans Kung. Although their intellectual and theological base is different, they both share a common vision, mission and a great agenda of interfaith dialogue in order to achieve a dynamic peace.


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How to Cite

Basuki, S. (2018). Interreligious Dialogue: From Coexistence To Proexistence (Understanding The Views of Mukti Ali and Hans Kung). UMRAN - International Journal of Islamic and Civilizational Studies, 5(2-1).