
  • Paisol Burlian Da'wah and and Communication Faculty The Raden Fatah State Islamic University Palembang Indonesia



Harmonization, Preaching, and Politics of Constitutional Law


It is undeniable that Islam is a universal religion which becomes a blessing for the entire universe. Universality of Islam is evident from multi-aspect, a religious aspect, set the life of mankind, and included the inside of preaching and political aspects of constitutional law. This paper examines how, in practice, where the Prophet Muhammad has implemented a law in constitutional politics in line with the guidance of the Quran, especially the Medina period. When in Mecca, the Prophet, as a religious figure, shows preaching secretly and finally in open. However, in Medina, It is clearly seen that there is an integration of the Prophet Muhammad as the religious figure and statesman. While the Prophet still spreads preachings, the Prophet set the Medina becoming a developed country and then Islam can be spread to the world. Their relationship, ideally demonstrated that politics serve as a tool to carry out the mission of preaching. On the other hand, the preaching must also be able to provide an understanding of the political importance of constitutional law for the advancement of religion and the Muslims and not vice versa; stay away from politics because of the wrong perception or manipulate the preaching for political purposes of constitutional law. To ensure that the constitutional law of political activity is not lost, it should be understood that in the politics of constitutional law, there is a law that must be followed, whereas in law, there are the political aspects of constitutional law should be implemented. It will create synergy between preachings and politics of constitutional law for the realization of the Islam’s glory in national as well as in international.




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How to Cite

Burlian, P. (2017). THE HARMONIZATION OF PREACHING AND POLITICS OF CONSTITUTIONAL LAW. UMRAN - International Journal of Islamic and Civilizational Studies, 4(1).



Civilizational Studies