Perancangan Keluarga Menurut Islam dan Amalan dalam Kalangan Wanita Umur Reproduktif di Malaysia / Family Planning According to Islam and Practices Among Reproductive-Age Women in Malaysia
Contraception, Family Planning, Knowledge, Prevalence, Islamic PerspectiveAbstract
Family planning is essential for helping women avoid unwanted and high-risk pregnancies. Despite the introduction of family planning programs in Malaysia in the 1960s, the practice of family planning remains low. From the Islamic perspective, the practice of family planning involves certain laws and requirements. This study aims to investigate the prevalence, knowledge, and factors influencing the practice of family planning among ever married women aged 15-49. This study used a quantitative approach with a two-stage stratified sampling technique to select 2,081 respondents from all states in Malaysia. Data was gathered through online questionnaires or personal interviews and analysed using descriptive statistics and the chi-square test. The results of the study found three most commonly methods of family planning were condoms, pills and withdrawal. The contraceptive prevalence rate (CPR) was 64.7 percent, with the highest prevalence were among Malays, aged 30-34, living in rural areas, having low education, working, belonging to the M40 income group, having 1-2 children, and possessing high knowledge of family planning. However, 48.1 percent of respondents had a low level of knowledge about family planning. This study found a significant relationship between the practice of family planning and ethnic background, place of residence, educational level, number of children, and knowledge about family planning. The study suggests that improving women's knowledge about family planning is crucial for the well-being of women and families. The knowledge of the law of family planning according to Islam should also be emphasized to achieve the goal of maintaining well-being and avoiding harm.
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