Scrolling with Belief: Understanding the Millennial Generation’s Perception of Religious Knowledge on Social Media
Millennials, Social Media, Religious Knowledge, Islamic Education, Digital Era.Abstract
In an age marked by the widespread adoption of social media, the millennial generation’s perception of religious knowledge has emerged as a prominent research area. This inquiry delves into how millennials interpret religious values in the digital realm, with a particular focus on the role of social media in shaping and disseminating these beliefs. Scholars have sought to uncover the opportunities and challenges faced by Muslim scholars as they engage in dakwah and knowledge sharing through online platforms. Additionally, the study explores the essential role played by social media in facilitating Islamic learning, especially considering unprecedented global events such as the COVID-19 endemic. These investigations collectively illuminate the complex relationship between millennials, social media, and religious values interpretation. This study uses quantitative methods and data is analyzed using SPSS software. Out of the total 150 participants, 49 were actively involved in the survey process indicate that there is a positive but weak relationship between the daily duration of surfing YouTube content and participants’ perceptions of YouTube’s influence on their belief system. While a relationship exists, its relatively weak nature suggests that the influence of time spent on YouTube on participants’ beliefs may be influenced by additional factors not considered in this analysis. However, while these studies have enriched our understanding of this dynamic intersection, further research is needed. Future inquiries should delve into specific strategies for effective dakwah on diverse social media platforms and consider the evolving nature of social media usage among millennials.
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