Kaedah Pentaksiran Bilik Darjah (PBD) dan Kesannya Kepada Murid Tahap Satu: Analisis Subjek Pendidikan Islam/ Classroom Assessment Method (PBD) And Its Impact On Level One Pupils: Analysis Of Islamic Education Subjects
Islamic education, Assessment, Classroom Assessment, Level of mastery, Level OneAbstract
Teachers frequently employ testing techniques as an assessment tool. However, in October 2018, the Minister of Education stopped the evaluation using this testing technique. When parents questioned the impartiality of instructors in evaluating their children’s accomplishments, the outcomes of the removing the examination caused negative response. Additionally, they lack clarity and comprehension of the teacher’s methodologies and procedures for evaluation. This article produced to understand the Classroom Assessment Method (PBD) and how it affects level one students studying Islamic Education. The philosophy behind this study is interpretive, while the study strategy is case studies. The study also adapted qualitative design with data collection methods using a combination of document content analysis techniques and semi-structured question interviews. The content analysis approach was used in the data analysis. Thematic methods are used in this study to categorise the results. There are three methods used by teachers in assessing level one students – 1) observation 2) writing and 3) oral methods. However, the assessment using these three methods in determining the level of mastery (TP) of the pupils is very subjective. Thus, two effectswas identified on the application of PBD, namely, the reduced burden of teachers’ duties related to the examination and the occurrence of teacher injustices in the PBD process. In this context, the report recommends that the Ministry of Education’s (MOE) PBD system undergo revisions to ensure that level one students get assessed equitably. Teachers should also employ the scoring rubric while implementing the three established PBD assessment techniques. After further research on other topics, it is also appropriate to revaluate the PBD approach. In addition, the scoring rubric should be used by teachers in the implementation of PBD assessment using three predefined methods.
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