Al-Rāghib Al-Iṣfahānī Dan Sumbangannya Terhadap Falsafah Ilmu/ Al-Rāghib Al-Iṣfahānī and His Contribution Towards Philosophy of Knowledge
Al-Rāghib Al-Iṣfahānī, Philosophy, Revelation, ReasonAbstract
This study delves into the life and intellectual contributions of Al-Rāghib Al-Iṣfahānī, a figure whose unique philosophy and thoughts have been relatively understudied. Despite the limited historical accounts detailing his biography and the disputes among scholars regarding his creed and jurisprudential school, his potential impact on the philosophy field is significant. This study employs a descriptive qualitative methodology, analyzing primary texts such as 'al-Dharīʿah ilā Makārim al-Sharīʿah' and 'Tafsīl al-Nasy'atain wa Tahsīl al-Sa'ādatain,' along with secondary sources that discuss Al-Iṣfahānī's life and philosophy. The findings reveal Al-Iṣfahānī as a multifaceted scholar proficient not only in Arabic language, literature and exegesis but also in philosophy. His notable contribution lies in the philosophy of knowledge, particularly the concept of the integration of reason and revelation. This idea had a lasting impact on subsequent scholars such as al-Ghazālī, al-Rāzī, al-Baiḍāwī, and al-Alūsī. Through this research, a comprehensive understanding of Al-Iṣfahānī's intellectual legacy is unveiled, shedding light on his individual contributions and their influence on the broader intellectual landscape of his era. Furthermore, his philosophy, which advocates the integration of reason and revelation, offers valuable insights for addressing modern challenges concerning theology and ideology.
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