Reducing Discordant Religious Relationships: Ahmadiyya Case in Indonesia
reducing, discordant, religious relationships, Ahmadiyya, Indonesia.Abstract
The Ahmadiyya have been labeled as a controversial religious group by the majority of Indonesians. Its inclusion as a component of religious diversity is regarded as a trumping-up divergence. This research aims to analyze the reasons for hostility toward the Ahmadiyya through a review journal, historical storytelling, and exposure to empirical facts, and to provide recommendations for reducing discord and improving relations between different religious groups. The article investigates the role of state law, religious authority, and civil society in shaping attitudes toward Ahmadiyya Muslims, as well as strategies for promoting interfaith dialogue and tolerance. Overall, the article argues that it is critical to promote mutual respect and understanding among religious communities in order to reduce conflict and promote social harmony in Indonesia.
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