Persepsi Belia Muslim Malaysia Terhadap Terorisme/ Perception of Muslim Youth in Malaysia towards Terrorism
Perceptions, Muslim youth, Malaysia, terrorism.Abstract
Studies on modern terrorism over the past 20 years have shown an increase in youth involvement in violent activities. However, the findings of these studies mostly focus on the subjects of study, either specific organizations involved or the locations of their development. This study aims to examine the views of Muslim youth in Malaysia towards terrorist ideologies, with the goal of identifying their perceptions, understanding of national identity and acceptance or rejection of these ideologies. The research uses quantitative methods for data collection and analysis, including a survey of 850 participants aged 18-40 from across Malaysia, selected through random sampling with a focus on Muslim youth. The analysis includes descriptive statistics as well as inferential methods such as ANOVA and Pearson correlation to investigate differences and relationships among survey variables. The findings indicate that the majority of participants had a neutral stance towards terrorist ideologies and rejected elements of these ideologies. However, a minority of youth expressed acceptance of these ideologies. Based on these findings, the study suggests that ongoing education efforts that promote moderate and centrist interpretations of Islam from primary to higher education in Malaysia may help to prevent the spread of radicalism among youth.
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