Perkembangan dan Proses Sintesis Tamadun Menurut Malek Bennabi (Development and Process of Synthesis of Civilization According to Malek Bennabi)
Malek Bennabi, civilization cycle theory, civilization development.Abstract
Malek bennabi is known as the successor to the ideas and theories of civilization in the 20th century AD after Ibn Khaldun six centuries ago. In the current context, his contribution is seen as significant in the political settings and development, economics, and social development of Muslim communities around the world. In this regard, Bennabi has succeeded in synthesizing important elements in the reconstruction of Islamic civilization. Therefore, this article aims to articulate the development and synthesis process of civilization according to Malek Bennabi. In addition, this article also discusses the idea of his civilizational thought. The methodology used is document analysis as well as historical analysis of documents which related to the scope of Bennabi civilizational thoughts. The process of synthesis of civilization can be understood through three sources namely man, land, and time. These three sources need to be well synthesized through the personal element of man that is triggered through the spirit of religion or ideology and the element of ideas that are embedded in mankind himself. In addition, this process needs to be applied by the Muslim community today because it is relevant to the situation and the development of civilization today.
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