Elemen Kemahiran Berfikir Aras Tinggi (KBAT) dalam Pengajaran Guru Pendidikan Islam: Analisis Literatur Sistematik (SLR)
Elements of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTs) in Islamic Education Teachers Teaching: Systematic Literature Review (SLR)
Elements, Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTs), Teachers of Islamic Education, Teaching and Facilitation (PdPc).Abstract
The element of higher order thinking skills (HOTs) in Islamic Education is important in contributing to the effectiveness of teaching and facilitation (PdPc) to students' appreciation of knowledge. Meanwhile, the teacher as the main implementing agent in applying HOTs elements. Therefore, this study aims to identify the elements that contribute to HOTs in the Teaching of Islamic Education Teachers. This study is a descriptive study using systematic literature review (SLR) method of qualitative. The main source of this study is through highlights of previous work obtained from the Google Scholar online database analyzed based on Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyzes (PRISMA). The findings of the study show that the factors that affect the teaching of Islamic education is able to build HOTs is attitude, readiness, knowledge, skills and formulate. These findings are important to the field of education in Malaysia whether teachers, administrators, State Education Department, Ministry of Education Malaysia (MOE) in evaluating the HOTs curriculum from time to time, especially in the field of Islamic education.
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