Maqasid Al-Syariah dan Hubungkaitannya dengan Hak Kebebasan Beragama Di Malaysia (Maqasid Al-Syariah and its Relation with Freedom of Religion in Malaysia)
Freedom of Religion, Maqasid Al-Syariah, Federal Constitution.Abstract
Malaysia is a country of various races and religions under the same supreme law, the Federal Constitution. Even so, the Federal Constitution has set out several provisions that give privileges to the Malays and Muslims. Article 11 provides for the right to freedom of religion for every citizen, but this right is not absolute for Muslims as it restricts the spread of non -Muslim religions among Muslims. This clearly shows that the right to freedom of religion in the Federal Constitution is in line with the principles of Maqasid Al-Syariah, which is to preserve religion. Thus, the objective of this study is to analyze the extent to which the provision of the right to freedom of religion in the Federal Constitution meets the principles of Maqasid Al-Syariah. This study is a qualitative study that uses the library method followed by content analysis. The findings of this study have proven that there is a relationship between Maqasid Al-Syariah and the right to freedom of religion in the Federal Constitution thereby enhance the community's understanding of the interpretation of the right to freedom of religion and its relationship with Maqasid Al-Syariah.
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