Tafsir Tematik Konsep Israf Dalam Pengambilan Makanan Menurut Perspektif Al-Quran
Thematic Interpretation Of The Concept Of Excess In Eating Behaviour Based On Quranic Perspective
excess, eating behaviour, health, nutrigenomic, Quran.Abstract
Humans need food to ensure survival in the world. For that purpose, Allah SWT bestows various sources of food for human beings such as fruits, grains, vegetables, plants, livestock and ocean products. Even so, this food source should not be used excessively or isrāf because it violates the guidelines of the Qur'an and the sunnah of the Prophet SAW. However, what is happening in the society today is the opposite. There is an increase in the statistics of patients with genetic diseases due to isrāf attitude in food intake. This is in stark contrast to the teachings of Islam which calls for moderation, especially in food consumption as well as prohibition of excessive wastegee. This article aims to study and analyze the concept of isrāf in food intake according to the perspective of the Qur'an by using a thematic tafsir approach. This study employ qualitative method through content analysis of the text of the Qur'an and books of tafsir on the concept of isrāf in food intake. The results of the study show that isrāf in food intake refers to seven key themes that refer to certain aspects of instruction and prohibition in food intake. In conclusion, this article helps to understand the concept of isrāf in food intake according to the nature that has been set by Allah SWT. It is also seen to be able to educate the community in reducing health problems caused by the practice of isrāf, as well as able to change a person's genetics for the better from one generation to the next. This is because health is a wasilah for human beings to carry out their role as caliphs and ‘servants of Allah perfectly on this earth.
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