The Application of al-Intiqal (the transition) on Synthetically Modified Organisms (SMOs): An Analysis from Shariah and Science Approaches
Al-Intiqal,, Synthetic Biology, Synthetically Modified Organisms, HalalAbstract
Synthetic biology, or SynBio, is a fast-growing technology, that combines biology, chemistry, computer science, and engineering, producing synthetically modified organisms (SMOs), in which organisms for which a large part or the entire genome has been designed using computer-aided design tool and chemically synthesized. Concern arises when (deoxyribonucleic acid) DNA constructs are made up of impure (najs) substances in Shariah as raw material, like transfer of engineered pig cells with modified genomes. One of alternative verification methods of Shariah law, namely al-Intiqal (the transition), can assist Muslim jurists in determining legal rulings on particular Halal contemporary issues, as there is no explicit information about genetic modified technology in the Qur’an or Hadith. This study aims to determine the theory of al-Intiqal (the transition) from Shariah and science approaches and apply the structure and division of al-Intiqal (the transition) on SMOs productions, like synthetic spider silk and humanized pig organ. Qualitative methods were applied including library research, fiqh adaptation (al-takyif al-fiqhi), and semi structured in-depth interview. Study shows that two divisions of al-Intiqal (the transition) can be applied within SMOs productions, which are al-Intiqal al-sahih (the accepted transition) and al-Intiqal al-fasid (the damaged transition). Study concludes that DNA synthesizer as conversion agent within SMOs production process can be considered permissible (Halal), while synthetic spider silk is also permissible (Halal) as the raw material is considered pure and its transition process had completely occurred in Shariah, nonetheless humanized pig organ is impermissible (Haram) as the raw material and its recipient organism are impermissible (Haram) and its transition process had not completely occurred in Shariah, except for emergency (darurah) case with some provisions.
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