Pembinaan Makna Semiotik Pembangunan Insan Dari Konteks Akhlak Menerusi Wasiat Luqman Al-Hakim (Construction Of The Semiotic Meaning Of Human Development From The Moral Context Through The Will Of Luqman Al-Hakim)
Semiotic, Luqman al-Hakim, human developmentAbstract
Nowadays, the problem of Muslim personality especially among teenagers has become more serious. Although there are extensive efforts from various parties to overcome it, but moral degradation among youths is increasing. Factors in the occurrence of this problem are due to their lack of appreciation of Islamic education either in the form of faith, worship and moral. These three elements of faith, worship and moral embedded in the will of Luqman al-Hakim (LH) to his son portraying the importance of education towards the nation. This study focuses on moral element expressed by LH as a reflection of the dimension of moral development in the contemporary era. However, the will seems abstract, vague and needs to be clarified in line with contemporary needs from a semiotic point of view. This is because the semiotics of the Qur’an is associated as one of the solutions to represent the new meaning of the LH will. This study analyses the symbols of human development through the will of LH using Peirce theory. This qualitative study uses the method of textual content analysis of LH's will in surah Luqman as the corpus of this study. The data were analysed by referring to three critical elements namely symbol, object and meaning. This study is crucial in the Quranic study because it is related to the representation of the meaning specifically from LH’s will and interpreted from the context of contemporary moral development.
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