Pengurusan Hutang Kad Kredit – Sorotan Literatur Bersistematik daripada 2010-2020 (Credit Card Debt Management – Systematic Literature Review from 2010-2020)
Debt management; credit card; financial literacy; consumer behavior; credit card managementAbstract
This systematic literature review highlights debt management among credit card owners in Southeast Asia. Getting financing at any financial institutions in Southeast Asia is easy - if you have enough qualifications. However, the impact of indebtedness has caused problems in managing it. Therefore, the author reviews previous studies that focus on consumer debt management. Meanwhile, the study adopted the methods of Preferred reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta Analyses (PRISMA) by using two major databases, Scopus and Web of Science. As a result, there were 12 articles that were systematically analysed. After going through the theme analysis process, five main research themes were identified namely demographics, financial literacy, behavior, credit card management and economics. In total, under these themes, the study was able to publish 18 sub-themes and some new suggestions and directions to future researchers.
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