Pandemik di Timur Tengah Dalam Karya Kesusasteraan Arab: Satu Tinjauan Awal (Pandemics in the Middle East in Arabic Literary Works: A Preliminary Review)
Arabic Literature, literature review, Middle East, pandemics.Abstract
History has proven the existence of global pandemics since centuries ago that profoundly impacted society. The situation of society during the pandemic can be seen through readings of Arabic literature works which play very important roles in getting the picture of Middle East society. The purpose of this study is to identify preliminary review related to pandemics in the Middle East which are recorded in Arabic literary works. This study uses qualitative method by analyzing the content of corpora based on thematic method. Based on this preliminary review, several new themes have been developed including the theme of infectious diseases in the Middle East such as cholera and black death. Aspects discussed including the location of the pandemic, the community's situation against the pandemic, the impact, and how to deal with the pandemic. As a result of this literature review, it is found that in discussion about the pandemic, Arabic literary works give special emphasis on the sociology of society, health, and ecosystem of a country. Therefore, it is hoped that more Arabic literary masterpieces can be translated due to it importance and benefit for future research regarding pandemic
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