The Influence of The Islamic Human Development Index (I-HDI) on Human Development
Development, Islamic Human Development Index (IHDI), Human Development Index (HDI), Maqasid SyariahAbstract
This study aims to analyze the influence of Islamic Human Development Index (IHDI) on the Human Development Index (HDI) in Jakarta Province. The measuring instruments used in this study are the five basic elements of Maqasid Syariah, namely: Hifdzud Dien, Hifdzun Nafs, Hifdzul 'Aql, Hifdzun Nashl and Hifdzul Maal. The five elements are then measured by observational and reflective indicators describing maqasid sharia. The research method used is the panel data regression method. The data used is secondary data obtained from the Central Statistics Agency, the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, and the National Amil Zakat Agency in 2010-2019. The results showed that IHDI had a significant effect on HDI in Jakarta Province in 2010-2019. The most significant influence is on the al-Aql element represented by the Mean Years School (MYS) and the portion of the education budget (EDUCATION), this happens because the al-Aql variable can determine the quality of human resources. The ad-Dien element has a significant effect on HDI on the Hajj (HAJJ) variable and crime rate (CRIME). The an-Nafs element has a significant effect on HDI on the variable life expectancy rate (MYS). The an-Nafs element has a significant effect on HDI on the population variable, while the al-Maal element has a significant effect on HDI on the PDRB variable. The recommendation of this study is to encourage the government to create human development in the perspective of IHDI. Especially realizing the quality of education and education budget for its residents, in addition to encouraging its citizens to obey religious values such as performing zakat, performing hajj, not acting criminally that has a significant effect on human development in Jakarta province.
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