Teras Akidah Islam Dalam Dinamika Jati Diri Keluarga Muslim daripada Kitab Manhaj al-Tarbiah al-Nabawiyyah li al-Tifli karya Muhammad Nur Abd. Hafiz Suwayd (The Elementary of Faith in Dinamic Identity of A Muslim Family from the book of Manhaj al-Tarbiah al-Nabawiyyah li al-Tifli by Muhammad Nur Abd. Hafiz Suwayd)
faith element, children education, identity, Muslim family.Abstract
The ability of Islam in building the civilization has been proven throughout the history. Islam has transformed and revolutionized the culture of men by encompassing on faith, doing-behaviour, and moral elements. These elements also preserves the identity, culture and the way of life of Muslim communities. The refreshment of Islamic principle is needed now to enhance the dynamic identity of Muslim family. To ensure it is successful, it requires the early children’s education as mentioned by Muḥammad Nūr ‘Abd. Ḥafīz Suwayd, one of the islamic education scholar in his book, Manhaj al-Tarbiah al-Nabawiyyah Ii al-Ṭifli. The aspects of faith, doing-behaviour and morals are the main elements of his book in order to produce a generation embracing the islamic values by cultivating them early in the children’s education. However, this study focus on the faith element without denying the importance of doing-behaviour and moral elements as the effort to build the dynamic identity of Muslim family. This study presents textual methods and content analysis as the main methods of data collection by using the inductive and deductive methods for data analysis. As a result, the element of faith in a Muslim family can be built on several foundations as proposed by Muḥammad Nūr ‘Abd. Ḥafīz Suwayd and can be adapted by parents nowadays to strengthen their children’s identity in the family.
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