Analisis Keperluan Program-Program Sokongan Sosial Dalam Pemerkasaan Saudara Baru (Analysis Of The Needs Of Social Support Programs In The Empowerment Of Muslims Convert)
Supporting programmes, Saudara Baru, Islamic beliefs, welfareAbstract
Generally, Saudara Baru is a call for individuals who are just converted to Islam. In Malaysia, aid through religion guidance as well as their welfare being used to be emphasized for this group so that they could learn and understand Islamic religion easily. Therefore, this research was conducted to study some of the supporting programmes that held in order to strengthen their beliefs in Islam. In order to conduct this study, the researcher use qualitative method by involving content analysis design. Next, the main findings and discussions are elaborated based on the programmes from the aspects such as psychology and counselling, education and guidance and finance and welfare in the aims to help the Saudara Baru. Therefore, by using this research, people could understand about supporting programmes for Saudara Baru as well as emphasizing people to play their role as Muslims towards Saudara Baru.
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