Tahap Pematuhan Pensijilan Halal Malaysia Dalam Kalangan Pengurus Restoran Makanan Segera Di Negeri Johor (Compliance Level of Malaysian Halal Certification among Fast Food Restaurant Managers in Johor)
halal certification, JAKIM, fast food restaurant chain, gender.Abstract
Islam requires mankind to consume halal and nutritious food. Therefore, it is the duty of individual to obey this command. With multiple background of races and religions, the Malaysian government through the Islamic Development Department of Malaysia (JAKIM) recognised the halal status of food products in the market via halal certification so that every Malaysian muslim mets this obligation. The halal certificate issued by JAKIM must be complying by the holders and any form of defaults will result in the certificate being revoked. This paperwork presents the findings of a study on 330 fast food restaurant managers in Johor upon their compliant level and gender factor on affecting the respondents’ level of halal certification compliant. The study found out that the respondents’ level of compliance is high (mean=4.79) where no significant differences of gender (p>0.05) towards their compliant level among the respondents.
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