Indeks Kemiskinan Multidimensi Global: Analisis Menurut Perspektif Maqasid Syariah (Global Multidimensional Povety Index: An Analysis According to Maqasid Syariah Perspectives)
Poverty, Multidmensional Poverty, MPI, Maqasid Syariah, Islam.Abstract
Poverty is often associated with the issue of lack of income. However, when questions such as "do children get the education they deserve?", "does a family get the right health services?" and "does the community receive the clean water and electricity supply it needs?" cannot be answered well, then it is a sign that poverty still exists from a multidimensional view. This study applies library methods, textual and contextual analysis methods by taking into the five elements of Shariah Maqasid in the context of multidimensional poverty and extracted based on inductive, deductive, and comparative methods. The results of the study show that multidimensional poverty has a direct relationship to Maqasid Syariah. All dimensions of multidimensional poverty such as education, health, and living standards have their importance in preserving the five elements of Maqasid Syariah, namely religion, intellect, soul, lineage, and property. In the education aspect, achievement in this aspect must take into account both types of educational streams, namely fardu ain and fardu kifayah. In the health aspect, emphasis is given to the prevention of disease as well as a balanced diet by taking into the source of treatment and halal supply for both. While in the aspect of living standards, the accumulation of wealth serves as a pillar to build a more prosperous life, providing benefits to human beings, rewards, and favors given by Allah SWT to his servants and is a test in human life. This study is seen to contribute to improving the shortcomings that exist in the existing multidimensional poverty measurement through the application of poverty measurement elements based on the perspective of Maqasid Syariah as an added value in creating a comprehensive multidimensional poverty measurement as discussed by Islam.
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