Al-Ghazali, Values and Human Capital Development.Abstract
This qualitative study intended to entail human capital development element according to al-Ghazali. Literature review has been done throughout this study using primary and secondary sources and also obtaining opinion and approval from three experts in psychology and sufism. Researcher used the analytical content that is then categorized according to thematic method. Findings obtained concluded that there are three themes. First theme al-Ghazali concept of human capital development is further divided into three components. The first one being achieving balance between spiritual and physical development. Second component stressing that the spiritual component is further divided into four equally crucial parts namely; ruh, nafs, qalb and mind. Third component is mainly about relationship of mankind to Allah s.w.t that involves knowledge and relationship amongst mankind that involves deeds. Second theme entails the human capital development that puts Islam, Iman and Ihsan as the main key point in its framework. Even al-Ghazali himself established a stepwise methodology of this theme; mujahadah al-nafs, riyadah al-nafs with its peak being tazkiyah al-nafs. Last concept discussing about the spiritual values that contains the dichotomy of positive and negative values. The positive values is referring to the part in Ihya’ book namely the munjiyat (the ways to salvation) while the negative values are referred as muhlikat (the ways to perdition). It is the researcher interest for this al-Ghazali advancement of thoughts is being implemented in each and every human capital development models and modules as it is truly still relevant for today’s application.
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