Kesan Faktor Risiko Kesihatan Ke Atas Penggunaan E-Zakat Di Malaysia Ketika Pandemik Covid-19 (The Impact of Health Risk on E-Zakat Usage in Malaysia During the Covid-19 Pandemic)
E-Zakat, technology acceptance model, theory of planned behaviour, health risk, Covid-19.Abstract
The present study investigates whether health risk influences the level of intention of individual muzakki to use E-Zakat during pandemic Covid-19. The study examines factors that might influence muzakki level of intention to use E-Zakat based upon the theoretical framework of the technology acceptance model, the theory of planned behaviour and the concept of health risk. According to the survey, which was conducted on 401 individual muzakki in Malaysia, respondents have a high level of intention to use E-Zakat during the pandemic COVID-19 (3.20 out of 4). Empirical findings show that perceived usefulness, perceived subjective norms, perception of behavioral control and health risk are positively associated, but perceived ease of use is not significantly associated with muzakki intention to use E-Zakat during pandemic Covid-19. Based on the current pandemic, COVID-19, the findings may help zakat institutions as well as other Islamic economic institutions by providing input onbehaviouralt of health risk factors on the use of e-services and actions that can be taken by zakat institutions to face risk challenges in e-services, especially E-Zakat.
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