A Plausible Future for High Scientific Literacy in Muslim Societies
Plausibility, Muslim society, plausible challenges, scientific society.Abstract
Muslim society had contributed to the development of sciences from the golden age of Islam and throughout the middle ages. However, Muslim society contribution to Scientific knowledge declines after the 16th century. Many scholars had discussed the factors of why Muslim contribution toward science declined, but discussion on how Muslim society could regain the "scientific glory" were very few. This paper intends to describe plausible future of Muslim society returning to high scientific literacy in that context. The plausibility future in this term refers to a possible future if a certain possible “occurable” scenarios are met in present-day Muslim society. The possible “occurable” present-day scenarios are based on historical factors of declining Muslim scientific contribution. Plausible challenges to the plausible future are also discussed in this paper. Plausible challenges in this context are plausible causes that cause the decline of the Muslim scientist in the past but in a future setting. In conclusion, this paper discussed the plausible way for Muslims to become a scientific society as well as becoming an example of how plausibility can be utilized in constructing a future scenario planning.
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