Exploring Students’ Motivation In Tahfiz Class In Selected Private Islamic Secondary Schools: A Case Study
Challenges, Islamic School, Memorization of the Quran, Tahfiz ClassAbstract
This research sought to explore the factors behind student motivation in the memorization of the Quran. A qualitative study through semi-structured interview with six participants selected from private islamic secondary schools. The findings showed that parents, teachers and the participants themselves influenced student motivation in the memorization of the Quran. The role of parental guidance and advice were the most influential factors leading to motivation among students in memorization of the Quran. Implications of this study, the students themselves and teachers were also sources of motivation to memorize. At the same time, teachers should always assist and help students in their memorization of the Quran. That way, students will feel more confident to continue their memorization. Therefore, this study can be helpful as a reference in lowering the gap on motivation in Quranic memorization. Hence, the researchers believe that this study will be much help for the other researchers to continue and elaborate more on the field of Quranic memorization concerning motivation.
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