Infaq Of Expertise For The Post Crisis Of Covid-19: Risk Taker Proposition


  • Muhammad Ridhwan Ab. Aziz Faculty Of Economics and Muamalat, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia, Bandar Baru Nilai, 71800 Nilai, Negeri Sembilan



Infaq, Infaq of Expertise, Islamic Social Finance, Islamic Finance


The economic risk of a pandemic such as crisis of Covid-19 is very distinct from the health risk. Since the economic and public health risks are distinct, the evaluation and design of policies to ameliorate them should be pursued separately. One of the measures to minimize the Covid-19 risk is through infaq mechanisme which has been mandated in Islam. Infaq is a kind of alms giving intended to assist the needs of a man in his daily life. The spirit of giving is promoted by Islam as a means to develop the ummah in the economic and social sector. Some Muslim classical jurists are of the view that the properties endowed or infaq may not necessarily be in physical or tangible forms, but they may be in intangible and various forms. In today’s world, our societies demand the contribution in wider forms including contribution in the form of skills and expertise from the professional experts. Infaq of professional expertise aims to utilize professional experts in order to fulfil those demands craved by the society in many fields such as medical, accounting, law, engineering and architecture. The objective of this case is to expose students on the benefit and potential of infaq of expertise. The purpose is not to disclose weaknesses nor the incompetency on any of the individual or organization, but to provide basis for academic discussion.  The methodology of research used is qualitative method using case study approach with related to the Manual of Infaq and Waqf of Expertise. The general finding of this article shows that a good comprehension and application of the unique concept of Infaq of Expertise able to provide various benefits to many people.


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How to Cite

Ab. Aziz, M. R. . (2021). Infaq Of Expertise For The Post Crisis Of Covid-19: Risk Taker Proposition . UMRAN - International Journal of Islamic and Civilizational Studies, 8(2), 95–102.


