Sufi Symbols In Poems Of Ibn Arabi And Hamzah Fansuri
Sufism, Ibn ᶜArabi, Hamzah Fansuri, Comparative Literature.Abstract
As a way of communication, poetry is used by the Sufis to portray their knowledge and experiences in searching for God. However, the use of words in describing immaterial experiences spurs misconceptions among readers. Nevertheless, signs such as symbols are still being used in Sufi’s poetry. It plays a key role in expressing mystical thoughts, myriad of emotions, and even uplifting our mundane spirits. This article explores the meaning of symbols in Ibn ᶜArabi’s and Hamzah Fansuri’s poems. Both were known as prominent and controversially Sufi’s figures in two different regions, the Arab World and the Malay Archipelago. In studying it, a semiotic approach is used whilst a comparative approach is carried out to differentiate the existence of influence between the two figures as the latter is influenced theologically with the first. The finding shows that there is a likeness in the use of symbols and meaning connotations brought about by Ibn ᶜArabi and Hamzah Fansuri which proves the existence of influence between them, but variations are exhibited in the designation of the symbols which adhering to the different milieu, culture, and geographical places. Therefore, this study significantly indicating the authentication of Sufi poets in using symbols that portray the nation's culture and background. It also emphasizes the importance of interconnection between different cultures of Islam.
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