Aplikasi Teknik Rasulullah Dalam Membentuk Kecerdasan Emosi (Application Of Rasulullah’s Technique In Shaping Emotional Intelligence)
kecerdasan emosi, Rasulullah, kesihatan psikologi, emotional intelligence, Rasulullah, psychological healthAbstract
The ability to manage emotion is one of the important factors to success. A good intellectual’s person is not necessarily able to overcome conflicts in life. Life conflicts require other skills known as emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is a combination of cognitive and emotion and affects one's behavior and achievement In Islam, Prophet Muhammad as a reference to this community also emphasizes the aspect of emotional intelligence in achieving happiness. Therefore, this study examines emotional intelligence in Prophet Muhammad’s life and its impact on psychological health. This study uses a qualitative approach, content analysis design. Based on the analysis, emotional intelligence can be seen from various aspects of Prophet’s life such as teacher, family leader, preacher and ruler. High and proper emotional intelligence creates a healthy mental and soul in various life situations.
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