Kesan Zikir Ratib al-Attas ke atas Akhlak Pengamalnya (The Effect of Ratib al- Attas Chanting on the Morality of The Chanters)
Rātib al- Ἁṭṭas, chanting, sufism, ethic, Rātib al- Ἁṭṭas, chanting, sufism, ethic.Abstract
This article is the result of an academic based research into Rātib al- ‘Aṭṭas. Ratib or Islamic chant is an essential element in an order (or school) of Sufism. However, the debate on the correlation between the aforementioned Ratib and moral development has not yet been specifically appraised, nor has it been proved by practical means. The objective of this research is to identify the correlation between the practice of Rātib al- ‘Aṭṭas by practitioners and their moral development. This research used quantitative methodology (research survey) involving practitioners of this Rātib in the state of Johor region as the respondents. These 350 respondents were from four different zones of Johor. The data were analyzed by descriptive and inferential means (correlation t-test). The findings of this research have shown that Rātib al- ‘Aṭṭas has a significant connection between moral development and establishment of several moral values of the practitioners in Johor who were truly diligent in undergoing this practise based upon an accurate practice module, sincere and pure intention and consistency. It is hoped that from this research, Rātib al- ‘Aṭṭas will be generally accepted and will receive recognition from the institutions involved.
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