Tahap Kecenderungan Minat Pelajar USIM Terhadap Kursus TITAS (Level of USIM Student Interest Tendency in TITAS Course)
TITAS, USIM, Pelajar, Minat., TITAS, USIM, Student, Interests.Abstract
Studies on student interest on any given course has been given attention by a number of researchers. Usually, these studies focus on factors that influence student inclination to learn a course. Student interest in a course generates various outcomes, such as encouraging student performance, and this performance is measured through student participation in lectures, course-related activities, and student motivation and drive to study a course. For core university courses such as Islamic and Asian Civilisations or TITAS, a study on student interest in the subject is highly relevant. A highly-positive interest in the course will realise one of the significant aspects of the government agenda; to unite the multi-ethnic groups in Malaysia. Therefore, this study is conducted to measure the interest of students of Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM) towards TITAS. This study uses the quantitative research method, through descriptive analysis of student interest in TITAS, with questionnaires as the research instrument of choice. The findings show students have a very positive response to this course, thus proving that student enthusiasm and interest in learning the course is very high.
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