Managing Website Development for Darul Hana Mosque in Sarawak by Implementing ADDIE Approach
Islamic Social Development, Mosque Management, Information Sharing, Website DevelopmentAbstract
Currently, some mosques in Sarawak utilized Facebook page as main information disseminating platform to users. In efforts to provide an efficient and faster platform for facilitating them, an official and informative website is needed. Therefore, this paper proposed an official website to ensure the community gets information about the activities in Darul Hana mosque of Kuching, Sarawak. In order to develop the website, ADDIE methodology has been utilized which consists of five-step phases: analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The procedure of collecting the data was initiated by interviewing the management and the community of the Darul Hana mosque. The tools used to develop the website were, Adobe Photoshop CS6, and Adobe Illustrator CS6. As a result, Masjid Darul Hana website was successfully accessible to users. Based on the end-users’ feedback, 98% of them were not facing any problems using the website. Besides, experts suggested additional information on monthly donations, and automated system for reservation of available facilities. The significance of this project is to suggest an enhanced interaction medium rather than Facebook to distribute information to the community. This is necessary in managing the mosque’s facilities, program and its services to the public, more interactive and accessible in line with fourth industrial revolution era. This project can facilitate the dissemination of the mosque information and its activities, for its target users from various ages, who live in its neighbouring community, to optimize the use of service provided at the Mosque.
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