Konsep Zakat Fitrah: Tinjauan Dalam Kalangan Mahasiswa Pengajian Tinggi (The Concept of Zakah al- Fitr: A Survey Among Higher Education Students)
This survey is purposively to identify the level of knowledge among higher education students in regards to the basic concept of zakah al-fitr. For most of the students, this obligation is currently carried out by the family. However, this situation does not hinder them from comprehending the current development that is happening in the practice of zakah al-fitr. The implementation of minimum rate of zakah al-fitr and its options for example, is important to be understood by students as a preparation for the future. Accordingly, this study has adopted a quantitative method through the instrument of questionnaire to achieve the research objective. This study involves 125 students of a higher education institution in Perak.the analysis of frequency and mean is used to analyse the research data. The outcome of research finds that students possess a considerably good level of knowledge in the basic concept of zakah al-fitr namely the virtues or the mandatory conditions of zakah al-fitr. Meanwhile for the three concepts of the additional discussion which are the measurements, types and time of payment show a moderate mean value. The implication of this study reveals the existence of a knowledge gap that should be given attention by the authority in zakah management. This to ensure that the transformation implemented by the authority can be fully complied in the future.
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