The Existence Of Refugees And Immigrants From Middle East In Southeast Asia




Middle East, Refugee, Immigrant, South East Asia


Refugees and immigrants are the people who move from a region to another region crossing the countries border for surviving purposes. The reason they migrate to another place moslty because of conflict in their own country, also due to welfare and economic problems. The majority of refugees and immigrant in Indonesia go to Christmas Island, Australia as the final destination seeking the asylum or protection. Automatically they passed the area of the countries in Southeast Asia. It takes a long time for the moving process to the destination country until the status of the determination process for asylum or refugee by UNHCR. Because of the long time, there are fears that the immigrants will impact the stability of national security, economy, social, culture and other aspects. It also considered as demographic problems while increasing population in a country which is traversed by refugees and immigrant. It is important to analyze the influence of the existence of refugees and immigrants, as well as their potential in Southeast Asia Countries. Managing the existence of refugees and immigrant also considered for helping the government and other stakeholders to make the right policy for handling refugees and immigrants.

Author Biography

Yahya Sultoni, Wisnuwardhana University, Malang, East Java, Indonesia

lawyer, and lecturer in wisnuwardhana university


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How to Cite

Sultoni, Y., & Efendi, K. (2020). The Existence Of Refugees And Immigrants From Middle East In Southeast Asia. UMRAN - Journal of Islamic and Civilizational Studies, 7(3), 77–86.