Pesantren-Based Counseling in Changing The Behaviour of The Community of Former Bajingan Being Personal Characterless "Pelopor"




Counseling, kiai, bajingan, pelopor


The kiai (muslim scholars of Islamic knowlegde disciplines in Indonesia) and the bajingan (bandit, local strongmen, and gangsters) have a positive relationship. Even kiai able to utilize their potential for the common good. Kiai can change the behavior of the former bajingan being personally "Pelopor", which is characterized as a leader in preaching and build civilization together with the surrounding communities. The focus of this paper: the quality rather than the personality of the counselor, procedures, and stages in counseling, and behavior that characterized the former bajingan "Pelopor". The study used a qualitative-ethnographic approach. Data derived from the documents and field notes. The results of this study are to construct at-tawazun (balance), according to the characteristics of the Islamic boarding school. On the quality of personality counselor balance between quality shalahiyyah (scientific prowess and skills) with shalih integrity (strength of character). On delivering a message, the balance between targhib (reinforcement) and tarhib (punishment). In the former bajingan behavior change, the balance between ritual piety and social piety


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How to Cite

Arifin, S. (2020). Pesantren-Based Counseling in Changing The Behaviour of The Community of Former Bajingan Being Personal Characterless "Pelopor". UMRAN - Journal of Islamic and Civilizational Studies, 7(3), 59–75.