Hubungan Emosi Dan Akhlak Dalam Kekeluargaan Saudara Baru Selepas Memeluk Islam (Relation Between Emotions And Morality In Muallafs’ Family Relationship After The Conversion)
Muallaf, muslim converts, emotion, morality, family relation, relations emotion and moralityAbstract
As a key element in a man who is renowned as an emotional being, emotions exerts distinct influence on man’s moral behaviour. Emotions and morality are inextricably intertwined and therefore, individuals who possess positive emotions will bring out good moral behaviour in themselves. Likewise, for muallafs who convert to Islam, they have to experience various emotional changes while encountering trials of life during and after their conversion. Their ability to manage emotions effectively results in manifesting good moral behaviour. Thus, even though their family remains non Muslim, they can still keep the family relationship intact. The study is aimed at analysing the relation between emotions and morality in muallafs’ family relationship after the conversion. Descriptive statistics using min, mode, score and standard deviation is employed to describe correlation and regression between emotions and morality in muallafs’ family relationship after their conversion to Islam. The survey was conducted among 400 muallafs in Johor. The findings indicated that there is a very significant relationship between emotions and morality of muallafs’ in maintaining good family relationship after the conversion.
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