Saiz Organisasi Berperanan Sebagai Moderator Antara Amalan Piawaian Halal Dan Prestasi Organisasi (Size Of Organisation as A Moderating Factor in The Practice of Halal Standard and Performances)
Saiz Organisasi, Amalan Piawaian dan Prestasi Organisasi, Organizational size, Halal Standard Practices and Organizational PerformanceAbstract
This study aimed to examine whether organizational size plays a role as a moderator of the relationship between halal standards practices and organizational performance. The study was also conducted to look at organizational performance differences for multinationals and medium-sized enterprises among halal food entrepreneurs in Malaysia. A total of 241 organizations through the Internal Halal Committee for the multinational (n = 69) and medium-sized enterprises (n = 172) in Malaysia were involved as respondents in the cross-sectional survey method using selected survey tools. Reliability and validity of the questionnaire were performed and cronbach's alpha values were within the generally accepted range (0.87 to 0.94). The data were analyzed using IBM Statistical Package For Social Science (SPSS) software version 21.0 The study findings show that i) organizational size acts as a moderator between the relationship between halal standard practices for halal operations and organizational performance; ii) significant differences in organizational performance for multinationals and medium-sized enterprises. Studies have found that organizational performance is influenced by a chain that interacts with each other starting from input, which then translates into process and ultimately results that are also supported by internal control of the organization. Indeed, the aspect of the practice of halal standards should be given attention by all parties in making Malaysia a halal hub that remains international. At the same time, further studies on halal food should also take into account the scope, methodology and respondents of the research involved in developing knowledge in this area.
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