Interaksi Dan Pertukaran Intelek Saintis Agronomi Dan Doktor Perubatan Di Al-Andalus (Interactions and Intellectual Exchanges of Agronomists and Physicians in al-Andalus)


  • Aidiladha Sulaiman Akademi Tamadun Islam, Fakulti Sains Sosial Dan Kemanusian, 81310 UTM Johor Bahru, Johor



Interactions, intellectual exchanges, ideas, creativity, collaboration, Cordoba, al-Andalus, science and technology.


The zenith of Islamic civilization in al-Andalus is often studied and discussed from the historical point of view, its’ intellectual contributions and scientific achievements of the civilization. Yet there are still many new aspects that to be explored on how intellectual advancement were achieved as well as the key processes involved in shaping great achievements of Islamic Spain. Hence, this paper aims to make a preliminary study on interactions and intellectual exchanges of agronomists and physicians in advancing sciences of agronomy and medicine. This study is a qualitative - historical methodology research, applying library survey methods, document analysis and field research. The study found that interactions and intellectual exchanges were flourishing through discussions, laboratory and field research, scientific group collaborations, diplomatic co-operation, meetings, presentations, lectures, seminars, mentor-mentee programs and writings in Cordoba and al-Andalus's main cities such as Seville, Toledo and Granada. Active and vibrant intellectual network and interactions among al-Andalus scholars in various scientific activities played important roles and brought significant impact towards advancement of science during glorious era of al-Andalus.


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How to Cite

Sulaiman, A. (2019). Interaksi Dan Pertukaran Intelek Saintis Agronomi Dan Doktor Perubatan Di Al-Andalus (Interactions and Intellectual Exchanges of Agronomists and Physicians in al-Andalus). UMRAN - Journal of Islamic and Civilizational Studies, 6(3), 73–95.