Confirmatory Factor Analysis for Testing Validity and Reliability of University Transformation Practices as Perceived by University Staff


  • Farooq Miiro Islamic University in Uganda. Po Box 2555 Mbale



University transformation, structure, strategy, system, shared values, effective performance, Confirmatory Factor Analysis


This empirical study was a cross-sectional survey examining the four subdimensions of university transformation among the six universities in the central region of Uganda. Questionnaires were distributed to 820 volunteers randomly chosen from the university staff and the data generated was subjected to a confirmatory factor analysis. The essence was due to the fact that structural equation modelling requires a big number of sample size to measure the validity and reliability of the hypothesized measurement model of university transformation construct.  The findings exhibited that the data was fit and appropriate for predicting the four subdimensions of university transformation construct. In addition, the findings reflected a relationship between the four subdimensions of university transformation construct. Implying that when university transformation practices are put into consideration universities would be able to achieve their strategic development and transformation. The study concluded by exhibiting the foundation on which future studies can base to extend the understanding and emphasis on the four subdimensions used in measuring university transformation.

Author Biography

Farooq Miiro, Islamic University in Uganda. Po Box 2555 Mbale

Educational Management and Leadership


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How to Cite

Miiro, F. (2020). Confirmatory Factor Analysis for Testing Validity and Reliability of University Transformation Practices as Perceived by University Staff. UMRAN - International Journal of Islamic and Civilizational Studies, 7(1), 11–24.


