Pembiayaan Perumahan Berasaskan Komoditi Murabahah: Kajian Kes di CIMB Islamic Bank
Commodity of Murabahah, Tawarruq, Home’s Financing, ShariahAbstract
Commodity of Murabahah and Tawarruq are the concept that was applied in the products of home financing (Flexi Home Financing-i) at CIMB Islamic Bank. This product is one of products which is offered by CIMB Islamic Bank. Before of this, there are several concepts such as Bay’ Bithamanil Ajil (BBA) and Bay’ Inah have been applied in the products of home financing by Islamic Banks where it causes some controversies. The using of BBA and Inah as a contract in home financing’s product have been criticized by some of the Islamic scholars especially from the Middle East Islamic scholars. Through the descriptive analysis, a case studies were conducted by collecting the data through an interviews. The study was found that a scheme of home financing through product called Flexi Home Financing-i offered by CIMB Islamic Bank is one form of innovative products in order to make the financing products offered to customers free from the elements of Riba. Additionally, it was alternative from using al-Inah which is controversies among the scholars. This study also found that this product is line up with the Shariah compliance and ability to stand up with the value of moral and ethics which is compliance with principles of Shariah.
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