Keberkesanan Amalan Pengajaran Guru Pendidikan Islam Menerusi Kemahiran Berfikir Aras Tinggi (Kbat) Di Dalam Mata Pelajaran Pendidikan Islam Sekolah Rendah Negeri Perak (The Effectiveness of Teaching Practice among the Islamic Education Teachers Through High Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) in The Islamic Education Subject in The State of Perak )
The purpose of this study is to identify the effectiveness of the teaching of primary school Islamic teacher education based on the High-Level Thinking Skills HOTS. This study involved Islamic education teachers in Perak. High-level thinking components HOTS such as different comparative skills, ordering skills, predictive skills, defining skills and creating anology are seen in the three main components of the teaching’s closure i.e objective reflection, summarize the contents of the teaching and evaluate the students' understanding chosen as Conceptual framework of study. This study uses descriptive analysis (through questionnaire instrument). All data collection instruments were developed by researchers with modifications from the HOTS instrument of the Ministry of Education Malaysia and the experts involved and their content certified by the expert reference panel. The value of alpha Cronbach's reliability value was high (0.78143). A total of 400 Islamic education teachers were randomly selected to answer questionnaire instruments and in descriptive analysis using frenkuasi and percentage of min. Overall, the findings of the study found that the practice of teaching a teacher based on the high level thinking skills was at high level through the mean of 4.43 and based on the teaching component of the objective reflection which recorded the mean (4.45), summarized the contents of the min recorded ( 4.44) and evaluate students' understanding of mean (4.40). Implications and proposals can provide useful insights to ministries, schools, teachers and communities in enhancing the level of practice during the closing of the teaching of teachers based on the high-level thinking skills HOTS as envisaged in the 2013-2025. Education development plan.
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