Exploratory Factor Analysis of The Underlying Structure of Talent Management Practices Among Universities in Uganda


  • Farooq Miiro Islamic University in Uganda. Po Box 2555 Mbale




Talent management, University performance, exploratory factor analysis


The empirical study presents the findings generated from 300 randomly selected respondednts from six universities in the central region of Uganda. The survey tool contained 24 self-reported items with a five point Likert measuring scale chosen from the earlier studies done on the four sub-dimension of talent management construct. Exploratory Factor Analysis was used with Promax rotation to establish whether identification, development, culture and retention are true dimensions of talent management construct. The results from the date exhibited that the four factors of talent management structure were explained at 56.1% variance. The validity and reliability were sound enough since the internal consistency scale estimates ranged from 0.837 (identification), 0.7(development), 0.707 (culture) and 0.758 (retention) for the factor structure extracted. Lastly, the findings gave plausible empirical evidence for the validity of the four sub-dimensions and their individual items.

Author Biography

Farooq Miiro, Islamic University in Uganda. Po Box 2555 Mbale

Educational Management and Leadership


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How to Cite

Miiro, F. (2018). Exploratory Factor Analysis of The Underlying Structure of Talent Management Practices Among Universities in Uganda. UMRAN - International Journal of Islamic and Civilizational Studies, 5(2). https://doi.org/10.11113/umran2018.5n2.190


