Profil Akhlak Guru Pendidikan Islam Di Malaysia (Islamic Education Teacher Profile In Malaysia)
Islamic Education Teacher, akhlaq, moral, Rasch Model.Abstract
Islamic Education Teacher (GPI) is the best character models to form a morality society. Great responsibility that held by GPI need discipline and seriousness to perfome as akhlaq Prophet (PBUH). The quality GPI is crucial to the success of the educational philosopy. However, there were some issues and doubt of the community with the role of GPI that triggers the credibility of GPI akhlaq. In fact, the study of moral competency of GPI somewhat less implemented because most studies focused on teaching practise, motivation and training of Islamic Education Teacher. Thus, this study was designed to examine akhlaq of Islamic Education Teacher as well as focusing to the item that is hard and easier done base on the stage of their ability. Overall, GPI’s morality level is good and the analysis by demographic shown that women GPI have better morality than men’s GPI. GPI teaching in primary schools also demonstrates more competent moral level than GPI who teach in secondary school. GPI teaching in the southern region is also have better morality compared to other regions. The use of Rasch Model as a modern analysis can visualised the akhlaq profile completely.References
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