Pembinaan Konstruk Instrumen Penilaian Kendiri Akhlak Guru Pendidikan Islam Menurut Pandangan Pakar


  • Salbiah Mohamed Salleh @ Salleh Fakulti Pendidikan, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia



Moral Instrument, Islamic Education Teacher, interview, experts


This paper discusses the construction of the constructs for Instrumen Penilaian Kendiri Akhlak Guru Pendidikan Islam in the view of experts. These interviews were conducted on a purposive sample of 3 experts and an expert in the field of practice. The interview data were analyzed thematically using ATLAS.ti software. Base on the interview, the constructs for the instruments should include morals with God, human and environment. The moral construct with God consists of three sub - constructs of piety, sincerity and trust. Meanwhile, the construct with human is divided into seven sub – constructs; being fair, patient, loving, caring, forgiving, caring and gentle. Lastly, the moral construct with nature is divided into two sub - constructs that preserve and conserve nature. Based on the results obtained, the instrument ‘Instrumen Penilaian Kendiri Akhlak Guru Pendidikan Islam’ must include all the sub-constructs identified.


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How to Cite

Mohamed Salleh @ Salleh, S. (2018). Pembinaan Konstruk Instrumen Penilaian Kendiri Akhlak Guru Pendidikan Islam Menurut Pandangan Pakar. UMRAN - Journal of Islamic and Civilizational Studies, 5(3), 01–11.