Keusahawanan Dakwah Berdasarkan Kisah Anbiya Dalam Al-Quran (Entrepreneurial Dakwah Based on the Anbiya Story In the Quran)
Prophets, al-Quran, Islamic Mission and entrepreneurshipAbstract
Many assume that human is free to do entrepreneurial activity for profit. Islam sees entrepreneurship as part of religious teachings to meet human needs that must be practiced based on moral values. This article uses a content analysis study method to reveal the story of anbiya with their dakwah activities which are widely recorded in the Quran related to entrepreneurship. The dakwah duty of the anbiya is to call upon people to believe in Allah and the hereafter as well as avoiding them from tyranny or disadvantage. Their dakwah process is done in the community through various fields of life, including entrepreneurship. The process of preaching through entrepreneurship is manifested based on three components: Engagement in entrepreneurship, monitoring of entrepreneurial activities, and Islamic ratings on entrepreneurial activities. This paper however details only the involvement of anbiya in various sectors of entrepreneurship through their stories recorded by the Quran. In summary, the involvement of anbiya in entrepreneurial activities while realizing the dakwah call was named as entrepreneurial dakwah.
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