
  • Husin Junoh
  • Tamar Jaya Nizar
  • Kamarolzaman Md. Jidi




Physical symptom, Hysteria, Evil Possession, Case Study


This study aims to elaborate symptom of hysteria in Malaysia more specifically. Through this study, interview and observation carried out towards hysteria patients that are under evil possession, patient’s family and ruqyah healer to determine these physical symtomps represent the disease. The result of qualitative study is analysed using Atlas ti 7 software and shown hysteria symptom under evil possession is proved as same as what had written in al-Quran and al-Sunnah. Meanwhile, there are additional symtomps being gain from Islamic Scholar’s writing, therapists and patients experiences. Other than that, physical symptom of hysteria under evil possession remains mysteriousas the sense of pain keep changing in every part of body. The cause of pain also could not been traced under allopathy treatment. The symptom shown when ruqyah treatment started and slowly fade away after the ruqyah treatment done. There are mixture between symptom of hysteria under normal possession or al-Sar’ or al-Mass with witchcraft hysteria.


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How to Cite

Junoh, H., Nizar, T. J., & Md. Jidi, K. (2014). KAJIAN KES SIMTOM FIZIKAL HISTERIA RASUKAN JIN DI MALAYSIA(A CASE STUDY OF PHYSICAL SYMPTOMS OF EVIL POSSESSION’S HYSTERIA). UMRAN - Journal of Islamic and Civilizational Studies, 2(1). https://doi.org/10.11113/umran2015.2n1.15


