sience education, science process, nutrients, Cirebon local culinary foodAbstract
Cirebon is an area that has rich culture, including culinary. Science education or at school is known as the Natural Sciences (IPA), is expected to integrate the cultural heritage of culinary in Cirebon without compromising the activity of science process containaed in it. The process of science in learning the concept of food and nutrition at schools can be done by observing Cirebon local foods available in the students’ neighborhood. The Nutrient content of Cirebon local foods such as sega jamblang, empal gentong, sega lengko, tahu gejrot, and kerupuk melarat is very useful to our health. In addition, Cirebon local foods are made from various materials and can be consumed by everyone. Science education based on Cirebon local culinary food also performed as one step instill a sense of pride to the students to love the environment and cultural heritage of Cirebon local culinary food that is tasty and contains good nutrients for our health.
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