political relations, government, MuslimsAbstract
This study describes the relationship between religion and social life with politics as one aspect. The issue is the imbalance that occurs when Muslims as majority in Indonesia is not the sole determinant of political life journey., Parti-Islam party representing the political aspirations of Muslims never be a winner in every election. At best, they can only act as a "disturbing" factor in the election of the president and vice president. The question is what happens to Muslims in Indonesia so that every democratic process as elections only be used by those who want to take power in this country. This research is qualitative descriptive. Data retrieved through documentation and interviews. Later, the data were analyzed with descriptive analysis. The unit of analysis in social institutions in this regard is the religious and political parties. Data search is through books, journals and writings of Islamic political thinkers. urthermore, interpretation of data and grouping of data is done in accordance with the type of problem and then analyzed through an explanation to determine the variables. This research can enrich 'the wealth of thought in politics and in the fight for the aspirations of Muslims in civic life as well as in the preparation of an appropriate strategy to no longer be deceived by their political opponents. Muslims understanding of strength, verses and hadith are always multi-interpretative power that spawned a variety of comprehension and crystallize into a solid group. Differences occur is difficult to put together in one political group. Primordial existence more prominent than thinking about the progress of Muslims in the life of state and society. Color portrait of Muslim politics, we look long dialectic between propaganda and politics of the New Order, which is a long fight between Muslims and the government's birth that cause antipathy to each policy. It's realizing the physical strain that produced casualties on both sides.
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